Ever found yourself hating on a woman just because she has some luscious looking thing hanging on her arm; even at the wrongest giving. I wont lie to you, sometimes i just can't resist that feeling; but then, there's nothing anyone can do about it. ladies just want to have fun, and who are you to stop them. To the ladies, pleas do your thang! We love you with the bags.
Check out some of the latest bag collections making the rave at the moment.
I bet you gonna like these...
Some of these are the in-things on www.amazon.com
All pictures are courtesy of Google image search.
Monday, 27 June 2011
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Online Shopping Portal With A Difference: Review of The Website; www.become.com
Hello dear esteemed reader, I welcome you once again to my blog. As you already know, this blog gives you the in-takes on fashion trends, product reviews and a whole lot of discourse as pertains the various modes in Fashion.
I bring to you a website that I newly discovered, www.become.com By this, I wish to give a little review of the site to you, thereby giving you a first-hand feel of my personal experience, opinion and commendation of the site. The website, www.become.com is an online shopping portal that offers variety of products for varying consumers. Its graphical presentation,is simple and self-detailing. It gives the user an easy hand to navigate with the freest of space, time and measure, thereby requiring little or no time to get a task done. These diverse combination however, comes off a static aim to bring to the user, a world-class, self-usage interface. This thereby makes it a one of a kind, which thereof calls for a commendation. Hence, I can refer to all aforesaid as my take on the website.
Some days ago, I personally got some products from the website for myself and a friend. I got a Tummy control suit for my aunt for $30.00. I was quite pleased with the delivery process, which I must say came easier and quicker than expected. Believe me, I've been an ardent user of online shopping portals, none so far compares to www.become.com You can check this link to have a see the tummy control swim suit: tummy-control-swim-suit
I also got a plus size sequin dress: click here ; alongside a lace cami bra: lace-cami-bra and a lunch bag: lunch bag purse. All these products have been delivered, and they got to me in due time.
The website has a a good fan followership on both Facebook and Twitter. Thus, once a user has created his or her account, he or she can have a wonderful experience of all that, the website offers. I therefore give you, my dear reader a go quick nod to give the site a try. I bet you, you wont regret your time spent shopping there.Hello dear esteemed reader, I welcome you once again to my blog. As you already know, this blog gives you the in-takes on fashion trends, product reviews and a whole lot of discourse as pertains the various modes in Fashion.
I bring to you a website that I newly discovered, www.become.com By this, I wish to give a little review of the site to you, thereby giving you a first-hand feel of my personal experience, opinion and commendation of the site. The website, www.become.com is an online shopping portal that offers variety of products for varying consumers. Its graphical presentation,is simple and self-detailing. It gives the user an easy hand to navigate with the freest of space, time and measure, thereby requiring little or no time to get a task done. These diverse combination however, comes off a static aim to bring to the user, a world-class, self-usage interface. This thereby makes it a one of a kind, which thereof calls for a commendation. Hence, I can refer to all aforesaid as my take on the website.
Some days ago, I personally got some products from the website for myself and a friend. I got a Tummy control suit for my aunt for $30.00. I was quite pleased with the delivery process, which I must say came easier and quicker than expected. Believe me, I've been an ardent user of online shopping portals, none so far compares to www.become.com You can check this link to have a see the tummy control swim suit: tummy-control-swim-suit
I also got a plus size sequin dress: click here ; alongside a lace cami bra: lace-cami-bra and a lunch bag: lunch bag purse. All these products have been delivered, and they got to me in due time.
The website has a a good fan followership on both Facebook and Twitter. Thus, once a user has created his or her account, he or she can have a wonderful experience of all that, the website offers. I therefore give you, my dear reader a go quick nod to give the site a try. I bet you, you wont regret your time spent shopping there.
I bring to you a website that I newly discovered, www.become.com By this, I wish to give a little review of the site to you, thereby giving you a first-hand feel of my personal experience, opinion and commendation of the site. The website, www.become.com is an online shopping portal that offers variety of products for varying consumers. Its graphical presentation,is simple and self-detailing. It gives the user an easy hand to navigate with the freest of space, time and measure, thereby requiring little or no time to get a task done. These diverse combination however, comes off a static aim to bring to the user, a world-class, self-usage interface. This thereby makes it a one of a kind, which thereof calls for a commendation. Hence, I can refer to all aforesaid as my take on the website.
Some days ago, I personally got some products from the website for myself and a friend. I got a Tummy control suit for my aunt for $30.00. I was quite pleased with the delivery process, which I must say came easier and quicker than expected. Believe me, I've been an ardent user of online shopping portals, none so far compares to www.become.com You can check this link to have a see the tummy control swim suit: tummy-control-swim-suit
I also got a plus size sequin dress: click here ; alongside a lace cami bra: lace-cami-bra and a lunch bag: lunch bag purse. All these products have been delivered, and they got to me in due time.
The website has a a good fan followership on both Facebook and Twitter. Thus, once a user has created his or her account, he or she can have a wonderful experience of all that, the website offers. I therefore give you, my dear reader a go quick nod to give the site a try. I bet you, you wont regret your time spent shopping there.Hello dear esteemed reader, I welcome you once again to my blog. As you already know, this blog gives you the in-takes on fashion trends, product reviews and a whole lot of discourse as pertains the various modes in Fashion.
I bring to you a website that I newly discovered, www.become.com By this, I wish to give a little review of the site to you, thereby giving you a first-hand feel of my personal experience, opinion and commendation of the site. The website, www.become.com is an online shopping portal that offers variety of products for varying consumers. Its graphical presentation,is simple and self-detailing. It gives the user an easy hand to navigate with the freest of space, time and measure, thereby requiring little or no time to get a task done. These diverse combination however, comes off a static aim to bring to the user, a world-class, self-usage interface. This thereby makes it a one of a kind, which thereof calls for a commendation. Hence, I can refer to all aforesaid as my take on the website.
Some days ago, I personally got some products from the website for myself and a friend. I got a Tummy control suit for my aunt for $30.00. I was quite pleased with the delivery process, which I must say came easier and quicker than expected. Believe me, I've been an ardent user of online shopping portals, none so far compares to www.become.com You can check this link to have a see the tummy control swim suit: tummy-control-swim-suit
I also got a plus size sequin dress: click here ; alongside a lace cami bra: lace-cami-bra and a lunch bag: lunch bag purse. All these products have been delivered, and they got to me in due time.
The website has a a good fan followership on both Facebook and Twitter. Thus, once a user has created his or her account, he or she can have a wonderful experience of all that, the website offers. I therefore give you, my dear reader a go quick nod to give the site a try. I bet you, you wont regret your time spent shopping there.
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Swatch Wrist watch, And The Thriving flair On African Attires.
This is actually going to be a very brief write up. In fact, I dont know what to tag it. Its neither an article nor is it an appraisal. I just want to air out on the thriving boom that, watch makers, Swatch have enjoyed in the Nigerian market. Swatch wrist watch for many peeps, is the direct answer as to why a Rolex wrist watch is highly unaffordable and un-slicky to most people.
The Swatch wrist watch is unarguably the fastest growing wrist watch brand in the world. Its slick form makes it a trendy acumen that cuts across nearly all divides. Its easily worn by all and sundry since its known to fit every form of shirts that is worn; be it a native African attire or a western corporate shirt by T.M Lewin or even a suit.
For whatever it is you wear, Swatch wrist watch has a fitting for you. I guess you now see why i noted earlier that, this write up is neither to be considered an article, nor is it an appraisal. We all love wrist watches, and Swatch being an enviable brand; we just cant help but don it on our African attires. We are proud of our culture,in same way do we feel slickly when we have a Swatch wrist watch to match.
All images courtesy of Google image search.
The Swatch wrist watch is unarguably the fastest growing wrist watch brand in the world. Its slick form makes it a trendy acumen that cuts across nearly all divides. Its easily worn by all and sundry since its known to fit every form of shirts that is worn; be it a native African attire or a western corporate shirt by T.M Lewin or even a suit.
For whatever it is you wear, Swatch wrist watch has a fitting for you. I guess you now see why i noted earlier that, this write up is neither to be considered an article, nor is it an appraisal. We all love wrist watches, and Swatch being an enviable brand; we just cant help but don it on our African attires. We are proud of our culture,in same way do we feel slickly when we have a Swatch wrist watch to match.
All images courtesy of Google image search.
Ironing A Shirt: A Sequel To The Video.
Hey peeps, i decided to share a written account of the video i shared with you on how to iron a shirt in 3 minutes. I discovered not everybody would be able to view the video, owning to the various internet connections available that may not allow for good rendering of the video. That is why i'v decided to share this write up with you all. Its a credited article by Stuart Letterman, a seasoned publisher on www.ezinearticles.com.
However, it is my belief that, with a good reading of this piece, you'd not be left out of the party. In the end, i hope you can begin to iron your shirts in good time.
Ironing a shirt is not as simple as you would first think. First things first: you need to have a good think about your iron. Small and cheap irons are fine for students and those who need to carry one around when traveling but on a day-to-day basis, you need something far more robust. A textured plate will distribute heat better than a flat steel plate and 'non-stick' technology will keep your iron serviceable should you misjudge which setting to use for a synthetic fabric! Your iron also needs a good point at the tip as an iron with a blunter tip will not give decent definition to shirt cuffs or around the shoulders. I would also say that you should know your consumer rights and keep your warranty to hand as a leaky iron is incredibly frustrating. Bear in mind though, your iron isn't leaky if you have it on a low temperature setting and you're trying to use the steam function.
Some materials marketed as 'non-iron' do in fact need a quick once over but you need to be cautious as these synthetic fabrics will be destroyed if your iron is too hot. Cotton and linen need to be ironed at much higher temperatures to get the desired effect.
When ironing a shirt, you must first start with the shoulder panel at the back. Hook the one shoulder over the end of the ironing board and iron before stepping around to the other side of the board to hook the second shoulder to complete the panel. Then, you need to continue down the back but remember, some shirts have a fold in between the shoulders. Before moving onto the front panels, to keep this fold pristine, use your hands to flatten it down in exactly the right place and hold the iron down on top to press. Iron the front panels in turn, press the collar and then the final part is the sleeves. Some people don't like a fold down the top of the arm. If you are one of these people you need to ignore the seams. Place the arm of the shirt with the seam underneath the arm and press the iron down. Find the seam again and lay it horizontal to you body as you normally would but do not use the iron near the top of the arm where you have just ironed other wise you will end up ironing in a crease. Finally, undo the cuffs and with the tip of the iron, iron 'up' the cuff rather than across it. Pop it on a hanger and its done!
Finally, this may sound ridiculous but don't try and iron your clothes when you're wearing them. I met a man who noticed he'd missed a crease in his shirt and tried to iron it out on his stomach rather than taking it off. Irons need time to cool down properly and he still has an iron-shaped scar on his stomach. A warning to us all!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2855795
However, it is my belief that, with a good reading of this piece, you'd not be left out of the party. In the end, i hope you can begin to iron your shirts in good time.
Ironing a shirt is not as simple as you would first think. First things first: you need to have a good think about your iron. Small and cheap irons are fine for students and those who need to carry one around when traveling but on a day-to-day basis, you need something far more robust. A textured plate will distribute heat better than a flat steel plate and 'non-stick' technology will keep your iron serviceable should you misjudge which setting to use for a synthetic fabric! Your iron also needs a good point at the tip as an iron with a blunter tip will not give decent definition to shirt cuffs or around the shoulders. I would also say that you should know your consumer rights and keep your warranty to hand as a leaky iron is incredibly frustrating. Bear in mind though, your iron isn't leaky if you have it on a low temperature setting and you're trying to use the steam function.
Some materials marketed as 'non-iron' do in fact need a quick once over but you need to be cautious as these synthetic fabrics will be destroyed if your iron is too hot. Cotton and linen need to be ironed at much higher temperatures to get the desired effect.
When ironing a shirt, you must first start with the shoulder panel at the back. Hook the one shoulder over the end of the ironing board and iron before stepping around to the other side of the board to hook the second shoulder to complete the panel. Then, you need to continue down the back but remember, some shirts have a fold in between the shoulders. Before moving onto the front panels, to keep this fold pristine, use your hands to flatten it down in exactly the right place and hold the iron down on top to press. Iron the front panels in turn, press the collar and then the final part is the sleeves. Some people don't like a fold down the top of the arm. If you are one of these people you need to ignore the seams. Place the arm of the shirt with the seam underneath the arm and press the iron down. Find the seam again and lay it horizontal to you body as you normally would but do not use the iron near the top of the arm where you have just ironed other wise you will end up ironing in a crease. Finally, undo the cuffs and with the tip of the iron, iron 'up' the cuff rather than across it. Pop it on a hanger and its done!
Finally, this may sound ridiculous but don't try and iron your clothes when you're wearing them. I met a man who noticed he'd missed a crease in his shirt and tried to iron it out on his stomach rather than taking it off. Irons need time to cool down properly and he still has an iron-shaped scar on his stomach. A warning to us all!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2855795
How To Iron A Shirt In Three Minutes or less.
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mcleotyrese2 has shared a video with you on YouTube: Most folks like to have their shirts in the best condition ever imagined. However, the task of getting a shirt well-ironed has never been an easy task, since it takes usually an average of 5-7mins to get a shirt ironed. In my curious research, i stumbled upon this video on the internet (youtube) that teaches how you can iron a shirt in less than three (3) mins. You cant imagine how happpy i was to have discovered such video. I hereby wish to share the video with you. I believe by the time you are through watching the video, you'd thank me in your mind, since i believe i must have eased you of the usual time-constraint you normally expend over a shirt at a go. Make sure you get a perfectly ironed shirt every time. Visit http://www.tmlewin.co.uk for a wide range of formal and business wear. Visit T.M.Lewin's online community, Off The Cuff: http://community.tmlewin.co.uk By the way, did you know you can rent movies from YouTube? Check it out now: youtube.com/movies. | |
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Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Five things you need to Succeed as A Fashion Entrepreneur.
The ability to fend off a private venture in any part of the world is not a slight ability. It takes so much from the individual involved, than it often meets most attention. The fashion industry is such a thriving one, such that, if not gainfully channeled can bring with it some measure of thrust; either on the upside or the downside. While the former, shoots the individual to success, the latter is a regrettable fate.
However, there so some factors to be considered, and that is what i look to spell out in this piece, in the briefest way i can.
The First thing to look at is that, the individual has to nurture and grow in his own confidence. You need confidence in yourself and your merchandise with clear goals and knowledge of the products (fashion wears) you are producing. Only then can you inspire dedication from your staff and a willingness to buy from customers.
1. A Fashion entrepreneur must constantly set higher goals towards his business. Successful business people are mountain climbers who, having climbed one peak, look beyond to the next highest. The fashionista must be one of a kind who sends over a thousand mailers to their customers and yield a good turnout of 100. But instead of being satisfied with 100, they ask how they can increase that number to 150 the next time. That is the game plan.
2. A fashion entrepreneur must wade off what I call the "comfort zone" factor. As an aspiring leader, he must not confine himself to a particular school of thought or business ideology. He must strive to learn more within the trade.
3. A Fashion entrepreneur must always create room for failure; envisage the possibility of failing. This view point helps him set possible blockage(s) to whatever disappoints his venture could produce in the nearest future. In simple words, the Fashionista looks at the worst possible scenario that could emerge.
4. A Fashionista must look to solve problems instead of blaming them. This point is sequel to the aforesaid above. He must be ready to work around problems, with a view to solving them instead of blaming his overall failure or momentary down-cut on the problems. His will must always be at alert on how to solve day-to-day problems. He achieves this by employing capable staff and more often, by sharing his experiences with people he believes are more able than him.
5. A fashion entrepreneur must at all times “rehearse” the future. He must do all things with a view on the future. Successful people move towards the pictures they create in their mind. They can rehearse coming actions or events as they "see" them. They are like chess players who can "feel" the next move of their opponent and have half a dozen responses ready when their time comes to move. Many successful athletes will say they practice "seeing" themselves winning the race, hitting the home run or scoring the touchdown. They actually visualize a future event which gives them the impetus to achieve the goal.
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