Thursday 9 May 2013

Thoughts Of A Predicate Thinker [Vol I: Chapter I: Subsection F]

The God Question: There Was/Is God Vs God Existed/Exists.

God exists, yes I know. He doesn't exist in the form people take of him. If he ever existed, then he's dead but men carry his form and legacy through reproduction and being humans. This is so, as the human race reflects the design of a pre-existence that evolved over time and space. The physical, biological and chemical composition of the human person are pragmatic and in flux evolution.

God existed! He existed as the first human. He died as the first human to die, and he lives on as the first human to live on. The God question is a figment of the human mind; to answer to the questions he asks surrounding the marvels of his existence. How he came into being.

God was the first man, not Adam. He was a product of nature, not the other way round. He had an end, like every human. He had a beginning like every human. He existed in time like every other and lived within space. Time and space do no not exist. Were time to exist, it would do so in timelessness. There can only be a now. Now is endless and not bound by space. God existed! He was the first of our kind.

God is omnipresent! Humans are his bodily reflection. Every human is present and can be proven to exist. To exist of be said to be real, the five organs of the senses must conform to the truism. Something that exists should be seen (eyes), be heard in action (ears), be felt or observed by touch (skin), be perceived (nose) and be verifiable by taste (tongue). Everything that exist must play sequel to these dictates of nature.

God is the creator of all things? If that claim is to be held valid, it presupposes that he himself was created by some forces greater than him. He must have been created for him to have the capacity to create. I do not his 'existence'. What I doubt is his 'existing.' The universe consists of atoms deriding into molecules. The first bang is untraceable and would be erroneous to ascribe it to a God.

Hebrew history teaches that, the whole idea of creation, God and human values were an offshoot of the Babylonan influence cum tradition of the enuma elish. prior to the time, the people were daunted by the surrounding neighbours who had witnessed their conquest in the hands of the babylonians and other world powers in those era who captured the jews, destroyed their cherished temples, carted away their torah, scrolls and other vessels and artificats they possesed. Few among the jestations were that, the jews claimed to have a God, who is true and all powerful. They called him Yahweh. He was adorned in their temples and every Jewish child is taught to rever him. At that time, there were no clear understanding of who 'God' Actually was. He was a byproduct of the Abrahamic expression and thought view.

Those who laughed at them thus asked, "if your God was all powerful, how come he could not stop you from the hands of your conquerors and those who punish you?" "If your God is that strong, why did he not fight for you?" "where is the God of the Jews, they asked? As a justification for this, the leaders of the Jews then sought a consolatory explanation for their existence. Hence they borrowed from the Babylonian tradition and adopted a unique system of jusitfcation which gave birth to the 7 day creation myth. Its but a myth! To believe this is to believe the tales our grandparents told us about the many mischief of the 'wise' tortoise. LOL .

In so many parts of the Bible will you find other bids at justifying the creation story and how the Idea or even notion of God is sane and plausible. The Psalmist observed that, a day in the eyes of God is like a thousand elsewhere. It makes no sense. Its all but a justification for the initial flaws in the creation folklore.

Ever wondered why Solomon was considered the wisest man on earth? I guess a lot of people do not know. He was the first to make the bid to explain the history of a people. It was during his reign that the whole process of scriptural documentation started. The many folklores and legends that preceded the Hebrew people were gathered at the time. These were stories that dated no fewer than 500 years, and we all know what happens with oral folklore and tradition. The consistency in story, details and analysis are not credible. Several alterations abound.

To be Continued...

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