Monday 13 May 2013

We Get Older By The Day!

Me & Myself
It is very funny how people look at me, and can hardly tell my age. Sometimes, i get the feeling like they either want to make a mockery of me, or is it that I plainly do not look my age or what? Haha! Now, take 10 people at random, stand me to their faces and ask them to guess my age; the closest anyone of them would get to the actual answer would be no less than 5 years away from my true age. That is hilarious isn't it? Very hilarious!

When I was 23 years old, i once met a lady who swore i was in my early 30s. I almost screamed in anger or should I say frustration. In terms then, she had added no less than 8 years to my actual age. As such i thought, were i to be a football player, how on earth can i cheat? At least, football players, especially those from this part of the world do cheat with their age. Many take away as much as 10 years away from their real age to enable them perform in age grade competitions and to ensure they get a head way in a career in soccer. Thus, if I were only 23 and people can easily take me for a 30 something, then i am in some real sh*t, don't you think. Football then might not be the likeliest of vocations for me it would seem.

Some people, during the course of interacting with me have come to conclude that I am very mature; in speech and in thoughts. That may perhaps have resulted to them maiming my age for an older ascent and actually thinking I am either of their peer or just a little close. One of the reasons for these may simply have been from my boyhood experiences and influence. I had more social minglings with people older than i am than i had with my actual peer mates. I left for secondary school immediateley after my Primary 4, at a tender age of 9. That made me unarguably the youngest in my class at the time, and even till graduation. A lot of my class mates were either of the ripe age of 12, 13 or even 14. I was small in stature, but my intelligence in academic work equalled theirs and even surpassed many. I was one of the brightest in my class.

Being about the smallest, it was only easy to know i would be the subject of bully and intimidation from class mates who were older and bigger than i am; so i had to figure out a defense. I did, and it worked for me. Throughout my secondary school days.

Past goals. Dreams. Present.
I attended a minor seminary school for my secondary school training. You all know what a minor seminary school is. It is a mission school for the grooming of young boys in the way of moral and social conscousness. The initial goal was to groom those young boys to becoming priests of God, to serve in the Presbyter order of the old Melchizedech. But no! The church knows its hard, almost impossible to nail kids from a tender age for such delicate vocation. The status quo is open. Open to anyone who wants to be or not become a priest. I wanted to become a priest, and I followed the dream.

The year 2001 was when I passed out from the minor seminary. I was admitted the following year in the major/senior seminary. The first year of the 9 years of priestly training saw me at Ekpoma, St. John of the cross spiritual  year. A year after, 2003, I moved on to Bodija, Ibadan, Oyo state in pursuit of the grander dream - to become a priest of the most high God. However, the dream was cut short. Four years into the senior seminary saw me live the priesthood dream under dubious circumstances. Yes, a very dubious pile of circumstances, something I never regretted, albeit wished never happened. The dream i mean!

I moved on with my life, knowing and truly believing the priesthood was never meant for me. I convinced myself that, like not all dreams come true, the priesthood was but a pipe dream, a mirage that dissuaded me from the real goals i had to pursue in life. Real goals are pursued by men with valued and objective thinking. Men who are go-getters and never-say-nevers.

I gained admission into a conventional university to further my training- Philosophy. Philosophy is taught as a degree programme under affiliation in Catholic major seminaries. To become a priest, you must bag 2 degrees. One in Philosophy from the University of Ibadan, while the other is in Theology from the Urban Univeristy, Rome.

Life in the university was a total package. I was awed initially by the vibrant environment, and how different it was from the previous life i had. It wasn't easy fitting in, but trust me, I did fit in. And became a star at it.

I graduated the university in 2008 with a Second class upper honour division. Was very very close to bagging a first class though. The compulsory service year followed suit, and it was a splendid experience.

I can't say I have achieved far much, but one thing i am so sure of is that, my past have been good so far. My present is a clearer definition of the past. My present holds more meaning than the past. My dreams are intact.

At the moment, i am self employed. I run seeming businesses and working hard to elevate my status to the rightful elite spot i deserve to be.

What the future holds.
The future does not exist, but it is sure going to exist. When it comes eventually, all these would be history. But does history have a hold on now? I think it doesn't. What i have become now, is but a figment of how i would be in the future.

I see myself in the soonest possible time, advancing in my business endeavours to things higher and grander than I imagine. Many people ask when i will get married. I disappoint them each time i tell them i don't even have a girlfriend. I have a lot on my mind now than to concern myself with distractions and the trivialities that come with being in a committed relationship in this part of the world. Being in a relatiosnhip comes with a price, one which I am not ready to pay at the moment. Many find it hard to believe, but I am seeing no one at the moment. Being in a relationship goes beyond the glamour of the boyfriend-girlfriend ish. It requires mental readiness. You have to get involved when you are mentally ready. Right now, i am not mentally ready just yet.

One of the areas i know my talents abound is in tutoring. I know i can teach, and can pass on knowledge. Teaching people has never been dificult for me. I have done that at various levels in the past. I wish to pursue it as a career. To be a university lecturer. An academician. To do this, I will enrol for my masters programme very soon. Upon completion, i will ride further to PhD. That would qualfiy me to be a lecturer in any university. And one of the good things with being a university lecturer is that, being in the academia does not stop you from pursuing other ventures or businesses of interest. You have enough time at your disposal.

This is the lot i have to share about me. It is not just about marking a birthday through celebrations and partying; the day affords the opportunity to evaluate and reflect over one's life. Look back to the past in view of evaluating the present. Ask salient questions and ruminate for good answers. That is how i mark my birthdays. We get older by everyday. Just one day does not make us older than we have always been. We are what we are, and a product of how we want to be.

Thanks for reading. Happy birthday to me.

Mr. David-Leo Toyin Alabi.

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