Thursday 28 March 2013

Virginity, A Clause to Getting Married?

The other day in a cab, on my way from Victoria Island to the Lagos mainland, a conversation ensued between two people I suppose were friends. The bottom line of their conversation centered on whether it's 'divinely necessary' to marry a virgin woman or not. I chose not to contribute in their conversation-debate, even as the two sat close to me and even sought my opinion on the issue. I don't concern myself with such topics. Its plain nonsensical if you ask me.

According to one of them, "If she's not a virgin, make sure she gives you a good reason why she's not one.Trust me, from her reason you can deduce what manner of girl she is.Nothing wrong in getting married to a non-virgin babe but her reason must be convincing and genuine". He continued, "The fact is a non-virgin babe has a lot of "dots" in between and you have to connects those dots by asking questions, if you can't stress yourself to ask those question then you are safer dealing with virgins."

I was just like WTF!

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