Saturday 20 July 2013

Blog Feature: A Nation Of Perverts And paedophile by Femi Fani-kayode

Since the Nigerian Senate, in its infinate wisdom,
has now endorsed the "Paedophile Charter" which
seeks to make it lawful and constitutional for a girl of 9 years old to get married and to Be Intimate it is my view that we have now become a nation of perverts and paedophiles. Every Nigerian should bow his or her head in shame as from today because what the Senate did yesterday, and seeks to do in the future, by beginning the process to amend our constitution in order for it to cater for the filthy appetite and godless fantasies of child molestors and intimate predators is sordid, ungodly and unforgiveable.

Surely we ought to be seeking to protect our
children and not seeking to bed them. Yet it appears that not everyone shares our outrage and collective sense of shame. One Uche Ezechukwu made the following contribution which went viral on the social media networks and which I think speaks volumes. He wrote-
"Those who are railing against 'paedophile' senators, like Yerima Bakura, must be told that a muslim can't go wrong while imitating the examples of the Apostle of Allah himself and the founder of his religion, in the same way a christian cannot be criticized for following the examples of Jesus Christ.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) married Aisha at the age of six and consummated the marriage when she was nine. So, why are we judging muslims by our own standards?"

I appauled by these words. The truth is that I have never heard such a self-serving and specious
arguement in defence of the philosophies and
beliefs of the Ayatollah of Bakura, Senator Ahmed
Sani, the practising paedophile who married and
bedded a 12 year old Egyptian girl, as this one.
Ahmed Sani himself could not have argued it better. Yet I think that it is an utter shame. And this is more so because the individual that is putting the arguement is supposedly a christian.

The Old Testament of the Holy Bible prescribes "stoning" for adultry but that does not mean that christian countries should stone adulterers.
Neither does it mean that we should preserve the
institution of slavery or crucify petty thieves simply because the Holy Bible endorsed both practices in the Old Testament. We must accept the fact that the interpretation of biblical and koranic provisions are evolutionary and are ever changing. Jesus Himself said "laws are made for man and not man for laws".

The suggestion that paedophilia has any place in any modern and decent society simply because it was once practised in the distant past is not only a despicable arguement but it also does not make any sense. After all cannibalism, the killing of twins at birth and child and human sacrifice were once widely practised and were held as being perfectly acceptable throughout the world as well but that does not mean that we should practice any of these terrible vices today.

The young man, Uche Ezechukwu, who appears to
be defending child molestation in the name of islam, should either let someone lay with and "marry" his own 6 year old daughter or he should seal his lips forever and stop trying to defend the indefensible. His assertions, and I daresay those of Senator Ahmed Sani and anyone that shares their primitive views, are not only utterly immoral and reprehensible but they are also intellectually dishonest. I say this because the truth is that there is

NO muslim country in the world that has adopted
the "paedophile charter" where 6 or 9 year olds can marry and be bedded except for Saudi Arabia and Iran.


Mr. David-Leo Toyin Alabi
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