Saturday, 7 July 2012


It's a fact that, most adults and teenagers alike, suffer from acne which can be said to result from various factors like using the wrong products, skin sensitivity and stress. These factors and many more are the clear causes of acne.

Wrong products: Quite a lot of people buy products because it worked for their girlfriend or cousin, failing to understand that, what is good for the goose, may not always be good for the gander. Lol! Now, you must bear in mind that the person you were looking up to might have dry skin, and you have oily skin, which means her products will be richer and therefore cause acne on oily skin type.

Stress: Acne in teenage years is as a result of hormones, but in adult it could be as a result of stress, so take a chill pill and avoid stress as much as you can.

THE SOLUTION:Use light oil free products and be gentle when you exfoliate. At home, try microdermabrasion treatment. It's been known to keep the skin young and healthy. Eat foods rich in vitamin A such as sweet potatoes and mangoes. They increase cell turnover and keeps pores clear. Also, change your pillow case as often as possible, make-up sponge and towels regularly. This precaution helps eliminate any bacteria build up.

Lastly, do whatever keeps you from feeling stressed, whether its dacing or riding a


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