Friday 19 April 2013

Nigeria Witches Go Hard On Buhari. Say He Won't Win Election Even He Were To Conetst 100 Times

The Association of Witches and Wizards in Nigeria has warned former Head of State and leader of the Congress for Progressive Change, CPC, General Mohammadu Buhari to bury his ambition of ruling Nigeria ever again.

Dr. Okhue Iboi, the acclaimed spokesperson of the Association in an interview with Sunday Express asserted that witches and wizards in the region would not allow him to spearhead the affairs of the nation again.

He further stressed that Nigeria would not break-up after 2015 contrary to what Dr. Fasheun and the American government predicted.

According to him, “During the meeting we held on January 29 in Ilorin, we talked about the government of this country.

Goodluck Jonathan will re-contest and he will win the 2015 election irrespective of whatever opposition that rises against him,” the coven’s spokesman affirmed.

On the menace of Boko Haram, Iboi said, “We gave the witches in the North the mandate to cool down Boko Haram; mark my words, by the end of this year, you will hardly hear of any Boko Haram mayhem again.”

The extensive interview with the witchdoctor was not all glad tidings, however, his revelations raised serious concerns about the 2015 election.

“Some people are prepared to frustrate President Jonathan by all means and these people would resort to foul means. But in doing that, they will jeopardize Nigeria. I beg Nigeria to pray. Let us all pray, Christians, Muslims and herbalists,” he said seriously.

Continuing he stated “there will be many disturbances during the primary and at the main election, a lot of bombs will be thrown around. But I can assure you,” he said, “Nigeria will not break or divide as the Americans have prophesied.”
The witches’ imagemaker further foretold the future of politics in the country. He started with the proposed merger parties, APC and its chances of challenging the dominion of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP.

“This mega party when we looked at them and their future, they are good, they have good intentions, but at the last minute, before election, they will be thrown into disarray; they will have a big disagreement that will shatter the party and in-fighting over superiority. This discord will not be settled until the elections hold.”
Similarly, he also divulged the council of witches’ verdicts on some political personalities. In the case of General Muhammadu Buhari, one of the key opposition politicians against the PDP-led government and a crucial actor in any serious coalitions, Iboi unveiled a damning verdict. “If Buhari contests 100 times, he can’t rule this country again,” Iboi began, “because the “pillars of the north at night” have no likeness for him. They would not let him rule this country.”

Witches’ stance towards former military president Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida was not any different. “Babangida can take his money to support another party but he can’t rule this country again.”
On the contrary, former President Olusegun Obasanjo fared better as he was in the good book of the witches. “Till the day he will die, Obasanjo will still be important and relevant to the Nigerian politics. That is his destiny,” Iboi affirmed.

Iboi who claimed to be in the fourth year of his seven-year tenure as the coven’s spokesperson also spoke about the coming wrath of witches over Nigerian politicians. “Some of the politicians that are using other people’s destiny, I mean those who steal other people’s luck, between now and next year, God’s wrath is coming upon them,” he threatened. “And as for the current PDP National Chairman, he will have his hands full with many problems that will eventually swallow him.”

He expressed hope that a better Nigeria lies ahead, he said, “In the meeting we had last year in Niger State, we gazed into the future of this country and we discovered that Nigeria will still be better.” But before then, he opined that a cleansing will take place. “The bad elements disturbing this country will have to be removed and that will happen in no distant time; one by one, they shall all perish. Then, Nigeria will get better. And I tell you, the youths will enjoy this Nigeria, but that time is not in the immediate future,” he concluded.

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