Friday 19 April 2013

Thoughts Of A Predicate Thinker [Vol I: Chapter I: Subsection C]

Reading: A spectacle for the enlightened?

Being able to derive pleasure from the things an individual likes is solely dependent on how stern he/she commits to developing the portents beyond the level of a habit to an ample state of self-awareness. Pleasure is an almost part of man’s desires. The human person is ultra-utilitarian; in that man, by nature is greedy, selfish and brutish. Ego tripping is a characteristic of we humans, and satisfying the drives of the egoistic passions and pulls only serve to explain just why being greedy is justifiable albeit destructive.

Literacy has become a determinant for grading the intelligence of people in this contemporary era; something that should not be so, and that has made judging an individual’s effectiveness on his handling of situations a difficult task that pushes beyond the limits of proficiency and straight determinism. Being able to read and write now makes more meaning than having the ability to decipher the differences between what is, and what is not. This is paradoxical!

Learning, viewed through the radar of contemporary society structure makes for a conscious evaluation. This evaluation is but a stage to effecting the prime factors that make for necessary and easy understanding, which by itself may not be necessary to understand reality as it, and how it appears. Knowledge is transient and procedural. Literacy adds but a spark of glamour to what knowledge truly is. This is devoid of whether or not; the art of reading has been developed into a cyclic culture of aberration or want.

Enlightenment transverse age, culture and social orientation. Being enlightened is definable through the cores of socialization and cultural assimilation and the similarities between people who share same ideas within a particular geographical location. Being enlightened or sociable has nothing to do with race or social stratification. Enlightenment or being informed is a subjective factor. It operates within the bounds of an individual vis-à-vis the efforts he makes at getting himself informed and sound in mind and composure. An African can, within the confines of his environment ratify problematics just as would a European or American. That Galileo was the first to discover albeit scientifically that the world is spherical does not rubbish the fact that, other men before had not thought so. The human mind is curious and limitless. There is no curtailing what humans can think and are capable of producing from their thoughts. Humans are not mechanical, and our actions are not determined by the forces of nature. We act based on cognition and the mental thinking faculties. These faculties are mutably shared by all humans, irrespective of where the individual is and has been influenced by. Having the ability to read and write is just a squash to the real essence of applying the mental faculties appropriately.

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